AMiNiMA is a visual and musical poem that combines song, rhythm and dance movement… Two improvising musicians question the zest for life that runs through us and drives us. Inspired by early childhood, they question the foundations of being and essential states such as moving, meeting, playing, inspiring, inventing… The body games, sounds and materials resonate with the sensory and essential state of early childhood. Opening the doors of perception to the imaginary, music is born from movement, sound and voice from gesture. The encounter gives rise to a breath of life, a breath of life that comes alive.
This show is performed in childcare centres, media libraries, museums, gardens, theatres, private homes, etc. It resonates with the audiences and the spaces in which it takes place. Young and old alike are invited to join us for an artistic experience that transcends age and culture, to discover what connects us all.
This “in situ” form accompanies the creation of ANiMA, theatrical and scenographic piece. These two projects are inspired by the landscapes of Réunion and the island’s marine and terrestrial flora and fauna.
AMiNiMA was presented at the Festival Jeune et très jeune public in Gennevilliers and at the Festival Petits et Grands in Nantes in 2019. The project was the subject of a creative residency in the landscapes and nurseries of the island, combining creative workshops, training for early childhood professionals and local artists, writing in the Mafat circus, and performances for families.
Find out more about residency in Réunion and about ANiMA.
By Florian Allaire et Florence Goguel
Costumes and textile scenography Marlène Rocher
Choreographic vision Martha Rodezno
Project design Florence Goguel
In situ, creation 2019
Lightweight, autonomous form suitable for crèches, media libraries, schools, museums, etc.
Age From 3 months
Length 30 minutes
1 to 3 performances per day
Audience (adults and children) 40 to 60 people (to be specified according to location)
Technical 2 people on tour
Production Compagnie du Porte-Voix
Coproduction Compagnie A tous Vents (63), Théâtre du Beauvaisis – Scène Nationale (60), Fée Mazine (La Réunion)
Support The Compagnie du Porte-Voix is supported by the DRAC Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture. DAC de la Réunion dans le cadre du Plan Génération Belle Saison du Ministère de la Culture, CAF de La Réunion, Saison jeune public Gennevilliers (92), Conseil Départemental des Hauts-de-Seine (92), Ville de Nanterre (92)