Privacy policy

Use of personal data collected

We use a contact form to collect your surname, first name and email address when you subscribe to our newsletter. We keep this information for as long as you subscribe to the newsletter. When you unsubscribe, this data is automatically deleted from the newsletter distribution list.


When you visit the website, we set a cookie to save your screen preferences. The lifetime of a screen option cookie is one year.

Embedded content from other websites

Pages on this site may include embedded content (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo videos). Content integrated from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were visiting that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools and track your interactions with this embedded content if you have a logged-in account on their website.

Statistics and audience metrics

We use Independent Analytics to monitor website traffic. Independant Analytic is an audience tracking tool that respects privacy. Your IP address is anonymous and no personal data is collected.

Use and disclosure of your personal data

We do not share your personal data with any third parties.

The rights you have over your data

You can ask to receive a file containing all the personal data we hold about you, including that which you have provided to us. You can also ask for your personal data to be deleted. This does not include data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Contact information

For any request concerning privacy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address:

How we protect your data

Your data is protected by encryption and our teams have been trained in data protection.

Procedures implemented in the event of a data leak

An internal notification system has been set up in the event of a potential data leak.