Piccoli Tempi

Small nomadic form

Inspired by nomadic peoples, a “hunter-gatherer of sounds” offers a musical journey evoking different states of nature. Bodies in motion, rhythms, strange-sounding vocalisations… This nomadic musician plays with time as she plays with sound, and manipulates instruments with surprising shapes and sounds, offering multiple possibilities for musical and physical play. This interactive show resonates with the issues surrounding migration, and is particularly well received by non-French-speaking audiences.

Piccoli Tempi is based on the artistic, musical and physical material of Primo Tempo, an indoor theatre production. This interactive proposal was born in childcare environments, and adapts to the particularities of each place.


Creation and performance Florence Goguel
Musical composition and outside eye Frédéric Obry
Costumes and accessories Marlène Rocher

Light In situ form suitable for crèches, media libraries, museums… created in 2012

Age From 3 months
Length 30 minutes
1 to 3 performances per day
Audience (adults and children) 40 to 60 people (to be specified according to location)
Technical 1 person on tour
Autonomous show

Support Piccoli Tempi was created as part of an artists’ residency in the Seine-St-Denis departmental crèches, in partnership with the 1, 9, 3 Soleil! festival, the town of Rosny sous Bois and the Georges Simenon theatre. It is also supported by the Conseil Général de Seine-St-Denis and the Conseil Général des Hauts-de-Seine. The Porte-Voix company is subsidised by the DRAC Ile-de-France – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. It receives operating support from the Hauts-de-Seine Department and the City of Nanterre.